The government in their infinite wisdom have decided to tell pregnant women that it is not safe to drink any alcohol during pregnancy. Apparently they feel this information will be easier to understand than " it is only safe to drink in moderation" which is the advice at present. This would be helpful if it was true but it is a lie. There is no evidence to show that small amounts of alcohol in pregnancy damage the fetus; ditto caffeine; ditto brie and pate; ditto stroking your cat.
Apparently in the US, that bastion of truth and freedom, pregnant women are routinely abused in starbucks for ordering a double espresso. In fact women in the US have been advised to regard themselves as pre-pregnant at all times and never drink alcohol or caffeine, smoke or take drugs, answer back to their husbands or attempt third-level education. OK I made the last two up but still, bloody health nazis!!!
Here is what your baby will look like if you have a small white wine spritzer at any time during your pregnancy............probably.
By the way, what is the good doc's opinion on dyeing hair whilst pregnant? I have a friend who needs to know...
Pre-pregnant? What absolute twaddle - it's like "woman know your place".
I must ask my mum if she drank when she was up the duff with me, I suspect she might have done. Of course this revelation could have the opposite effect of what I intended.
Anybody suggesting that I should refrain from drinking, smoking, taking drugs or getting involved in fights in bars would get a good thumping. Especially if they implied that I was "pre pregnant". I have never wanted children.
Hair dye! That's a new one. Tell your friend she shouldn't wear low cut tops or drive a car either.
How about if we're in our fifties? Are we supposed to consider ourselves Post-Pregnant? Good Lord. And what about the fathers? Aren't they supposed to also take care of themselves. It's all so unfair.
Well said. The American religious tendency values life - but only from conception to birth.
You seem to be quite worked up about this. Have a pint of gin and a fag.
Ok, I was born and bred a Yank before escaping to the UK at the age of 24, so take this with a pinch of salt...
I have always been taught that you shouldn't drink alcohol while pregnant, and i found it rather shocking that european women do. No, there is no scientific evidence to show that light drinking has a delitrerious effect, but we know for a fact that heavy drinking does have a serious effect. Isn't it just better to do without for 9 months? Better safe than sorry and all that? It seems to me if giving up alcohol for 9 months is that difficult than you've got some other problems to deal with.
But the whole caffeine/brie/cat thing really is just rediculous.
It's all part of the patriachal plot to oppress women. My mum was told to drink Guinness regularly while pregnant to boost her iron levels. I'm surprised I was born chocolate coloured with a frothy white head.
Or rather I'm surprised I wasn't (I'm not fully caffeinated yet!)
Verif - texiebik (a Texan Confectionery item?)
I was also recommended Guiness by my health visitor (admittedly this was after the birth, but if you're breast-feeding, the "no drink" nazis don't give up until the little blighter is weaned). While I was still pregnant a midwife once told me that my stress was very damaging for the foetus and that if an occasional glassa of wine helped me relax, then so much the better for all concerned.
Italian wine, obviously!
Actually, if you're nursing, beer can be quite beneficial to women having difficulties. La Leche League (an organization dedicated to promoting breast feeding and offering assistance to new mothers) recommends it!
Wait, and what about when our moms and grandmas were young and having babies? Nobody thought a glass of wine or a ciggie was bad...Now everything is evil. How about canned tuna? It's supposed to have mercury, right? And how about green onion (salmonella or e. coli or whatever)? CALM DOWN, everybody!
Well, I must say that that's as powerful a warning as any in order to prevent all your children looking like Gordon Brown
The work in the nets is obviously paying off. A personal best with the bat yesterday. Well done (in a non-patronising way).
yabbut...'moderation' has four syllabubs innit?
quite difficult for wimmin to understand
whereas: 'do not drink' is just three one syllabub words
much easier
mmmm...reminds me: lemon syllabub
Smoking is actually worse than cocaine! They are called cigarette babies. Women smoke many times a day and the baby gets frequent exposures.
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